Sunday, August 06, 2006

I've Been Busy Since Last We Spoke

It started with that cheap Mexican breakfast I mentioned. My companions and I shared the guacamole pictured here next to some good hot sauce with our migas. We were at Aranda's on Burnet Road.

I got invitations out to my dad's birthday party in September and have even received quite a few RSVPs.

We have been working on the clean up project alluded to here. We hope to move out of our house and into a (smaller) condo in about two years. And we are thinking it may take two years to get things tidied up and sorted. I stood in the garage today with sweat pouring off my face, chopping up cardboard boxes for recyling, filling garbage sacks with things to throw away when there is space in the 'pay as you throw' bin. You can only discard about twelve cubic feet of stuff in our bin per week and if you want to leave garbage bags on the curb as well you have to attach a two dollar sticker. We did leave a few things on the curb with a free sign, gave some things to the handyman and the yard man. FFP made a trip to the thrift store and I have another pile of stuff in my car now to go there. Slowly, we unwind our acquisitions and see most of them for what they are: anchors. There are a few shocks. Like when I found my tax returns from before I married FFP. Yeah, I am thinking shredder.

I think we may be, for this small period, getting rid of stuff faster than we acquire it. Now if we can just keep it up for the next few years.


Annie in Austin said...

That is a great looking bowl of guacamole. I will have to check out Aranda's.

Seven years ago we unloaded an unbelievable amount of stuff before moving to Austin. So how did the house getting stuffed again? There are categories of essential objects that we need now but didn't have in 1999 - DVD's, a separate computer for me, genealogy notebooks & accessories, more specialized cooking equipment and a few additional musical instruments. Watch out for your hobbies!

This is a totally unrelated question, one I'm asking of women who were around at the time: Luci Baines Johnson married Patrick Nugent on August 6, 1966, forty years ago. Do you remember seeing the wedding on television?

[I was glued to the old B&W set myself!]


Linda Ball said...

Yes...there are ever newer categories of stuff. We got rid of a ton of LPs a few years ago. Still have a few and have a turntable.

I remember Luci getting married to Patrick but I am quite sure I didn't watch it.

Linda Ball said...

Hey, Dude, you and I used to go to that joint after playing tennis. Remember the Mexican jukebox? That Mex breakfast at Aranda's is still one of the best bargains in the neighborhood.

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