Saturday, September 09, 2006

I Haven't Been Writing

And, honestly, I miss it when I haven't been doing it. Even my 'personal' journal entries have been terse. I am currently in that familiar mode whereby everything is being delayed until something else happens. OK, it does take focus to have a party for 150 people and have a couple of dozen people coming in from out of town. And in the midst of that, I had to shop for a car with my almost-90-year-old father. That'll stop you in your tracks. And then there is the crick in my neck. Yesterday I woke up with a sharp pain in my neck. Tried warming it up (with exercise and heat applied). Tried wine. Tried Advil. Got it rubbed. Got my feet rubbed. Tried cookies. Woke up better off this morning.

Life deals things out. Little things. Big things. Little things that will become big things. Seemingly big things that will be forgotten.

But I did have a good vacation. And enjoyed a visit to this cute little bookstore in Tilamook, OR.

Another excuse I've had is tennis. The U.S. Open has provided way too much TV time. At least I don't care about football.


Annie in Austin said...

I hope all is/was well with the celebration - what a wonderful thing it must be to know that 150 people can rejoice in one's continued existence. You and FFP are in wedding planner territory for a group that large!

Someday I want to go to Tillamook, too, and not just for the cheese... it's for genealogy. A great aunt & uncle moved there during WW One, so there's a whole branch of our family that I've written to, but never met.

Hope your neck is okay.

In the words that the immortal Jean Shepherd placed in the mouth of Ralphie, "Football? What's a Football?"


Linda Ball said...

Dad said "I've outlived all my enemies and most of my old friends." So...the secret to having so many people coming to the party is either (1) making new friends; or (2) having an open bar.

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