Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Holiday Cards

Well...I tried to blog here earlier about holiday cards. This picture is a part of my card for this year. Blogger Beta was coughing up at swallowing a picture, though, so I actually created a post in my own space.

This is a portrait of us from Paris. It is a reflection of an art gallery window in Paris. I included it on my holiday card precisely because it's so esoteric. We look better the vaguer and fuzzier our images are. I included another photo that shows FFP more clearly in the holiday card.

The Holidailies writing prompt centers around St. Nicholas' Day. I thought I'd leave belief systems (even one we drop after childhood) to other writers. I thought I'd just write about the tradition of exchanging snail mail every year and how I really like that idea. But, like I said, read more in my own WEB space if you like.


Bev Sykes said...

Read your entry; then read your Christmas card entry on your own web god, I've found a soulmate!

Linda Ball said...

I've been a fan of yours for years, Bev. And...I'd already read your Christmas Letter online.

Bev Sykes said...

Wow. Someone actually reads the thing! Thanks so much, Linda.

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