Sunday, August 26, 2007

House Fluff

I've mentioned before the problem of cleaning out thirty years of accumulations of little 'house fluff.' The little pens, pencils, clips, keys, gadgets, tools and stuff that accumulates in drawers and old cups. This shot is of one of those little trays inside a drawer in my office that's designed to receive such stuff. I can see a manicure knife, a pen, a key (to my father's garage), a spare battery for our digital cameras, a gadget to read flash memory cards, pencil lead, tape for a label maker, some binder clips. What looks like matches is really a match-type box with a tiny pad of paper inside. This scene is repeated all over the house. In drawers in the upstairs office, in trays in the walk-in closet, in the kitchen. Some one is going to have to reduce the amount of this stuff if we are ever going to get out of this house without eighteen boxes of pens and paper clips. See here and here .

1 comment:

deb said...

Hope you don't mind me stopping in to read!

Downsizing is quite an adventure. We went from a 2000 sq ft house in FL to building a 700 sq ft "apartment" connected to my parent's house in MA.

Ridding ourselves of *piles* felt good at the time. Some of the stuff I still miss 5 years later. (sigh)

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