Friday, January 18, 2008


Last time I visited Portland I snapped this picture in, obviously, Powell's City of Books. This section had books on toys and and couple of handy ladders for employees. I had quite a collection of books on toys and pinball machines. I gave them away. Even though I have lived in one place for thirty years, it isn't that hard for me to realize that there comes a time to let go of mounds of stuff, pieces of furniture, old ideas and ways of doing things.

I'm going to keep collecting bookstores. If not books. And I'm going to let go of furniture and acquire new stuff that works in the condo. Some changes aren't that hard for me. But some are.

1 comment:

deb said...

I am a recovering book owner. As long as I can remember I have preferred, make that been obsessed, with owning books rather than borrowing them. Now I work hard at only owning books that I consider have significantly impacted my life. The rest of my reading is library borrowed or purchased for a dollar at the library 'store' and then re-donated. Several years ago I purchased a dollar book at our library in Florida. The title was "When Brooklyn Was the World". It looked intriguing with photos and tales of Brooklyn, NY from the mid 1930's until the 1950's. Yesterday, I gave it away. Several months ago I attended a memoir reading. One of the best readers-writers related a story from his childhood in Brooklyn. I thought he'd enjoy the book.

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