Sunday, April 20, 2008

Life is Simple

Life is not complex, but computers are complicated indeed. Like us. The work of making a new computing environment continues. For reasons best not belabored both of the iMacs now have two keyboards and one has two mice. They sit side by side. Am I confused? Oh, yes. But this note to my readers is being produced on my laptop which is operating the XP client on the iMac.

Last night I told some friends that I have tens of readers of my blog. Then I laughed and said it was, perhaps, an exaggeration.

So, friends, check in and we will see if ten comments can be collected.

The picture? A quote written on the Oscar Wilde memorial in Dublin.


Anonymous said...

Such a pleasant evening Sat. Thanks so much!

Annie in Austin said...

You can count me as a longtime reader of this blog, Linda - and the one that preceded it. Nice quote.

Annie at the Transplantable Rose

Anonymous said...

Just saying hi and adding my name to the reader list! Even when you have lots and lots of readers (I used to, once upon a time!), it's so hard to get people to comment.

Anonymous said...

I read you almost every day and find many thoughts I share with you even if you are in a different part of the world. Getting rid of things sorting out and thinking of changing your home are things that interests women of a certain age. Keep on blogging

Anonymous said...

You can count me as a reader. I followed the link from oldgreypoet and now stop by daily.

deb said...

Oh my gosh. How did five people (or more since all may not be published yet) beat me to commenting! Keep up now that you have begun, folks! Sometimes I get lonely!

Anonymous said...

I read your blog every day and enjoy your observations on life and living.

Linda Ball said...

I hope I didn't appear too needy! Thanks, dear readers...although knowing you are read is more frightening than not being read!

Anonymous said...

Well, of course, I read this, but I don't comment much.

Anonymous said...


Always a pleasure to read your innovative, n'er be used words. Your observations are wildly accurate and make me feel like I am woefully inadequate.

Linda Ball said...

You've written so many things that are smack on that I'm surprised you don't take credit.

Anonymous said...

Here's one more longtime reader you still have, although I'm not always able to stay current. Heck, I can't even stay current on my own journal any more, but I always like coming here.

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