Sunday, April 27, 2008

Parts is Parts

Wires, phones, cords, adaptors, gadgets. I toss them or give them away and still they multiply. I took this picture a long time ago. This lot is most likely mostly out of here, no longer in my way, as the picture was taken years ago. But there is another couple of cubic feet in the storage room that I've assembled to get rid of. We've been having brief drenching rains so curbside mall is out. I was thinking maybe Freecycle or take the lot to the thrift store to see what they could make of it. Or have the computer guru drop it off at Goodwill. The trash seems irresponsible so I don't usually throw too much of this junk in the trash. (Never say never.)

I'm at great peril of being boring and repeating myself today for various reasons. I was awakened by a mighty clap of thunder and have been watching it rain (and some pea-sized hail) since. I appear to be destined for sitting in my chair with a cup of coffee and The New York Times crossword until time for a brunch we agreed to go to today for some cause.

As long as I'm rambling...we watched (on DVD) a movie called "Blame it On Fidel" last night which I liked very much. Even though I had to read the subtitles and couldn't read at the same time. [Ed: You allege knowledge of French. LB: Yes, and how clever of you to know the film is (mostly) in French as it is set in Paris with references to Spain, Cuba and Chile, and yes I recognize the occasional word but really, yeah, subtitles must be read sadly.]

Enough rambling. I'm going for another cup of coffee and the newspapers. If I doze, don't sue me.


deb said...

I'm curious about the movie. Sounds interesting (by title alone), a brief synopsis, please.

Linda Ball said...

It's about a nine-year-old girl living a life of relative privilege in Paris until her Spanish Dad, inspired by the death of his brother-in-law fighting Franco's rule, decides to become involved in radical politics in the early '70's. The title is from the Cuban nanny she has before the transformation who fled Communist Cuba and is dismissed in favor of a succession of more liberal-leaning and odd caregivers after the family's transformation.

deb said...

Thanks, I'll have to find this one. (or put it on my birthday list!)

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