Sunday, June 01, 2008

Embrace the Chaos

That's my motto for the day. For the coming days. (The photo is a shop window reflection photo of my nieces taken on South Congress of the window of Off the Wall, a weird little place with a combination of vintage and new mostly unnecessary items.)

I lost my favorite commuter cup yesterday. I probably left it on the tennis court. Not turned in, though. Have you ever noticed how lost and found deals are full of good stuff but never your stuff?

I worked out today a little. As I was using the recumbent bike and some weights I realized that I will probably be using the gym at the country club far less now that I have a gym at my building.

I have been moving stuff from room to room, trying to get things out of the way of the movers, collecting all but the bigger pieces of furniture in the living room, stuff we plan to carry ourselves in another room. I have possibly packed the last box for the movers although I may pack one more. FFP cleaned out the cupboards in the galley kitchen in his office (sink and small fridge with cabinets and a counter top). He finished a job I started a few weeks ago. We found stuff for the thrift store (almost two cubic feet), stuff to take to the condo, a basket full of garbage, etc. He said, "I've been in this office eleven years." Yikes. It's true, we finished this renovation in January 1997 and he moved here from a building we owned and leased the building out. Hard to believe.

So why am I blogging and not getting my act together? I believe it's ye old paralysis in the face of an overwhelming bunch of stuff that needs doing.


Anonymous said...

Oh, Heavens! I remember moving, and not fondly. You've been struggling with paring down possessions since forever, it seems. I have loads of stuff that's been in storage since I left the States. Groan!

My heart goes out to you. I like your idea of hiring experts to deal with things. Amateur moves have been my lot, every time. Too stressful!

Do try to find time for yourself.

Hugs from Asia,
~ Sil in Corea

Anonymous said...

Oh, Heavens! I remember moving, and not fondly. You've been struggling with paring down possessions since forever, it seems. I have loads of stuff that's been in storage since I left the States. Groan!

My heart goes out to you. I like your idea of hiring experts to deal with things. Amateur moves have been my lot, every time. Too stressful!

Do try to find time for yourself.

Hugs from Asia,
~ Sil in Corea

TeamSplashi said...

I like your photos.
Will be in Austin from Jun 14th - 22th.
Would be nice if you could let me know where to go for some authentic Texas food or Mexican.

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