Tuesday, December 02, 2008

What Have I Done?

You know how I have committed myself to post every day on Austin Daily Photo? Well, now I've committed Visible Woman to that same regimen of dailyness from Dec. 5-January 6. Why? Because it's the Holidailies challenge and, well, no one seems to know why we sign up for these things. Of course, I could have signed up ADP and it would have been a slam dunk. Why didn't I? Because it isn't really a good one with which to compete for Best Of in Holidailies-land. And, no matter what I say to the contrary, as long as there is a reader panel and as long as something might occur to me that is entertaining or profound in a thirty day period, why not compete?

Today's photo is of the shop window of Vivid. This store plans to change their format, I understand. For now it is Vivid, though.

I haven't decorated for Christmas. The jury is still out on whether I'll do that. But I'll put up pictures of other people's decorations here. Especially if they are in a shop window with nice reflective properties. I did a tiny bit of cleaning. I plan to do some more. My tennis game that usually happens on Tuesday didn't happen. I exercised in our building's gym instead.

Yes, well, I'm glad Chip and Jette are running Holidailies this year once again. It gives me a nice path into a bunch of good reads. And we can all give each other the inexpensive gift or our writing during this bleak economic time.

1 comment:

Chip said...

Glad you signed up this year.

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