Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Should I BLOG?

I'm thinking of starting to muse and show photos here instead of just on my site Visible Woman. It does seem to be an easy way to go.

I started an account here so that I could comment on someone else's blogger account. (My Beloved Monster and Me is the one.)

I often try something out because someone else does. I walked across the street a couple of Saturdays ago when my neighbors were having a garage sale. The man of the house somehow started raving about Picassa, the google software for organizing pictures. So, of course, I ended up downloading it and messing about with the results of scanning my drives for pictures. I have a hobby of sorts taking pictures of shop windows. The most interesting things in the pictures aren't always the things on display. I like the idea of the reflections on reflections, the photographer as blob with hair sticking up like a cartoon character. When displayed online, of course, another potential for reflection (pun intended) arises with the LCD or CRT.

Maybe I should start posting from this collection here.


CameraDawktor said...

I love your photos. I think you should keep it up, these are definitely cool!

Hsien Lei said...

Hi! I came via Rob's blog. I also like the elegant style of your blog including the photos. :) Hope you're enjoying blogging.

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