Thursday, March 30, 2006

Tilting at Windmills

I occasionally have some big idea. Usually about some creative endeavor that I'm going to undertake. But most of my ideas die early. The idea of them entertains me and then I move on, daunted by the difficulty of following through and getting distracted by the next new thing.

Tonight I am going to hear Christo and Jeanne-Claude talk about their proposed Over the River Project for the Arkansas River, State of Colorado and, of course, those people are amazing examples of focus and tenacity as well as creative geniuses.

I'm as unfocused as they are focused. That's why everything I do needs to be completed in a half hour or less. Maybe I was meant to be a blogger!

I always imagine these two of NY's finest are saying:
"I never thought they'd really do this!"

"Me either. Geez."

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