Sunday, April 30, 2006

Downsizing Dilemmas

There was a time when I looked lovingly on my stuff. My collections, my furniture, electronics and my books. Now I see a lot of the stuff like an anchor. The book I'm reading, the cup I'm drinking out of, the clothes I'm wearing. They seem valuable. But the miles and piles of 'stuff' seem to be weighing me down. I want to reduce it all. I want to get stuff stored on hard drives. I want to winnow down the collections and the souvenirs. Sift through the books for the gems worth their weight. Give useful things I'm not using to people who can.

I like capturing shop windows as art and never printing the results on photo paper, just saving them as bits in the computer.

In this shop window shot, I like how my husband's shape is part of a portrait capturing striped motifs from the merchandise and a reflection of a vent in the apartments across the way.

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