Monday, June 05, 2006

Artist's Statement--More Silliness

A friend reacted to my artist's statement with tongue firmly lodged in cheek as follows:
"At times even the artist herself is reflected in the photograph, hazy and indistinguishable from the artifacts or other viewers. Trapped in her own work, the viewer can feel her struggle, yearning to be independent and free of influence in her art yet included in the world at large. Her unclear image personifies her struggle, her reflection on her place both outside and inside the everyday experience."

That is hilarious I think. Particularly when you look at this picture from my Paris trip. (And where else would it be from at this point?)

Blogger has been sort of flakey today. Indeed all my online interactions have been troubled. Someone is using my e-mail address to spam people. Sad.

But there I am in the picture. My unclear image.

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