Friday, June 30, 2006

A Bit of Time Suitable only for Blogging

I've packed for our little trip, mostly. And we are going out tonight in a couple of hours. I've reviewed the day's Wimbledon play off my DVR. It doesn't seem like a good time to start a project. So blogging seems like a good idea. The place where I have my own WEB pages currently is having a problem with FTP so I can't post anything there. So maybe we should just flip through some more of these pictures....Actually,
I've grown rather tired of my Paris pictures, but there are many I haven't exhibited to you, my three or four loyal readers.

The Montparnasse Tower and the Montparnasse Railroad station and that area aren't much to look at. But there is a park perched up above the tracks. There is a Leclerc Museum of the Resistance up there, too, and some sports facilities. You take the elevators along either side of the station and voilĂ are in another world. They have this big reflecting sculpture in the middle of the park. A fan of reflections I took its picture.

It was funny. There were kids on a scouting excursion, nuzzling lovers, people kicking soccer balls, old folks bench sitting and below were the tracks. You could just almost peek down in a few spots. A fashion shoot was going on, too, and the model had climbed on one of the odd roofs.

The world is really full of secret places, isn't it? But big wonderful cities like Paris have more of them. I'm going to spend a few days in Dallas with an excursion to the small town where I spent most of my school age years. I doubt I'll find so many things to photograph. Except, you know, my once classmates with graying hair and expanding waistlines. As mentioned in the prior entry.


Annie in Austin said...

I hope you're having fun at the reunion - just the word makes me think of Peggy Sue Got Married. My all-girls' school was so small they just have group reunions every fall and I missed the one for my last round number. I still see and/or write to some classmates.

You should check out the reflecting 'Bean' at the newish Millennium Park in Chicago!

Linda Ball said...

It was fun. Especially seeing some old friends.

I saw a picture of that thing in Chicago! And it made me want to jump on a plane that minute. But you knew it would.

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