Friday, June 30, 2006

Culture Shock

I like this one because the graceful Degas sculptures of ballerinas are being studied rather intently by these decidedly punk guys. You have to love those moments. Plus the glass case and movement (no flash allowed in the Musée d'Orsay) provide the kind of reflection and distance I like in my photos. I do them primarily to be exhibited on computer screens after all, creating yet another level of reflection.

Cutlure and fashion and art captured and manipulated by my chosen moment. I like it.

Today I was reading a book (Paris, Paris: Journey into the City of Light by David Downie) and one of the essays made me want to go back to Paris and go to a particular area and take some pictures. I have been following Paris Daily Photo and I love it. Eric's photos capture current events, details, traditional sights and surprises. I think it's amusing how each of us puts a stamp on the things our digital memory cards capture...even though we might stand on almost the same spot.

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