Friday, June 16, 2006


I got an e-mail from a friend today with the subject line 'Left Field Connections.' He and his wife met some cool young women and thought that FFP and I should meet them. We may never actually do that but the e-mail exchange let us catch up with one another. His kids are growing up rapidly and he's had to face some untimely deaths and, well, the usual. I'd like to keep up with everyone I'm acquainted with, especially good and interesting friends, but it just doesn't happen. He also mentioned that there might be a casual party at 'the company.' The place where he works and where I once worked.

We are connected to lots of people and that's what keeps us going. The oddest or the most mundane things can make us think of one another.

I recently wrote an e-mail to a friend who lives in the Ft. Worth area. She reads my WEB stuff sometimes but I often wonder how she's doing. She answered the e-mail and we caught up a little, promising to have that 'face-to-face' some time soon.

And I'm actually going to, gulp, my um (many years later) high school reunion soon. Sadly, going to high school together isn't much of a connection. I haven't kept up with many of the people. But there are a couple that I'm eager to talk to again. And, heck, it might rekindle an old connection or common interests. Or reveal new connections now that we are older. Several people, though, who would be interesting to see again don't seem to be coming to the event. That's always the way, huh?

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