Monday, June 26, 2006

Food is Serious Business for the French

In France, food is serious business. And there are still many specialists. Bakeries, pastry shops, fish shops, cheese shops. Waiters are professionals, chefs are revered. The U.S. (thankfully) is getting more like this but I doubt we will ever catch up. The picture shows a detail from a poissonnerie (fish store) that was around the corner from our hotel during our trip in May. Notice that the tile is in the form scales. These details make it so much fun!

I spent some time over the weekend collecting bits and pieces of info about the food I ate while in Paris and have posted a draft on my regular WEB site. I loved thinking about the food, the locations, finding information about places on the WEB. I kept having to go get a cup of coffee while I worked on it, though, because I kept thinking of all those café visits!

I love travel. My favorite thing about travel is eating in new places. My second favorite thing is museums. Some museums are starting to have fairly well-acclaimed restaurants (for example, the Modern in Ft. Worth and the MOMA in NYC). Now, that's what I'm talking about!

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