Saturday, June 03, 2006

More Paris Fodder

I just finished sorting out the Paris box to go back in the closet. Inside are ancient guidebooks, new ones, newspaper articles, cards from hotels, restaurants, shops. And lots of maps, all useful but none more so than the Michelin 55/58. I've set aside phrase books and menu and food guides and a couple of things about places outside Paris. They belong in the France box, of course.

I love Austin and I have fun here day in and day out. But I sure long to be tramping around Europe when I look in these boxes and open various books looking for things or just at random for fun. The picture, by the way, is FFP, wearing a cap because of the wind that day, staring toward the Seine from the outside escalator area of the George Pompidou Center while the camera shows Sacre Coeur up there on the hill in the distance.

We didn't have a great experience this time at this museum. For a couple of reasons. But it was the first time I'd gone inside the center. So it was OK. We did it. We retreated to a nearby café after we'd visited and the waiter made fun of me ordering a Croque Monsieur. He said something like all English and Australian people order that. It was the only one I had. What's not to like about bread, ham and melted cheese with, more than likely, some butter to fry it in? Waiters were friendlier about orders of achovies, steak tartare, baby squid, rabbit and the like. But I just laughed. And gobbled down my snack while watching people troop by.

Last time I posed FFP with all the 'sights' but this time I mostly left him to be a reflection in shop windows. He seems happy to oblige either way.

This was really a great trip and sorting through the Paris box just makes me want to go back. Doesn't help that I'm watching the French Open.

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