Saturday, July 15, 2006

My Dad in Pictures

I haven't found any of him as a young kid, but I've captured him in 1941 with Mom. He's about twenty-five.

I have actually been working on the organization and such. I've scanned some pictures for the 'story' of my dad's ninety years. I'd actually scanned this one before and used it on a 'save the date' card I distributed earlier in the year when I reserved a time for his party.

I actually did a couple of other things to get organized, too. I like to keep the disks and instructions for software and gadgets in their original boxes. But they take up so much space that I decided to just fold the outer boxes for some of my stuff into a folder and put the stuff inside. I came across, also in the same closet, my parents' first photo album. It was falling to pieces so I had earlier taken it apart and put each fragile page in an inert plastic sleeve to preserve it.

All that youth and hope. It amazes me to see my parents quite a bit younger than I am. In this picture they are less than half my age! My mother is probably nineteen.

The only question is: will I get organized before I'm ninety years old?


Annie in Austin said...

Both my dad & my husband's father would have turned 90 this summer, so we were emailing photos around to the family. Sharing fond memories was good, but having a party for a 90-year old is way better!

I was thinking of Forrest as the UT Tower 40-year stories pop up all over, and I reread his first-hand account of that day. At that time, my soon-to-be-husband and I lived with our families near Chicago. A few weeks before the tower killings, Richard Speck brutally murdered 8 nurses. That summer, most other news was pushed to the inside pages and the two mass-murders had the headlines.

Linda Ball said...

Forrest was interviewed for several media pieces on the August 1 shooting. He was left on the cutting room floor for a TV show but is quoted in The Texas Monthly. I'm glad that he isn't the voice of someone who WAS wounded!

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