Saturday, July 15, 2006

Watch Me Clean Up!

I have this obsession with getting things tidy. I long for clean neat rooms, open space on the desk, neat drawers and closets where you can find everything.

But in the digital age there is more to getting things organized than all the physical stuff. There are all the docs and photos on your computer. Copies and variations and obsolete and useless stuff. With good things scattered about, too.

Then there is that intersection of the physical and the digital. Like the document on my computer that purports to list the contents of my fire safe. And finding a physical photo and thinking "maybe I should scan this into my computer." Where, of course, the picture becomes more clutter.

But I *AM* trying to tidy up. At the same time I'm trying to give some stuff away and get an invitation together for my dad's 90th birthday in a couple of months. But it's hard to get started on it. I'd rather blog. So I thought I'd let you guys follow along.

I started looking through digital files. To tidy them up and to look for pictures of Dad for use in the birthday invitation and maybe to make a slide show for his party. This picture is of the Sony Center canopy in Berlin. It has nothing to do with Dad. I just stumbled on it. It was taken in 2002, I think, on my last trip to Berlin.


Annie in Austin said...

My experience has been that as the computer set-up improves, the housekeeping deteriorates proportionally.

[Linda, since you have comment moderation, I can use this comment box like an email which you could edit, right?

So here's the question: There are a few non-gardenblog links on my page and I wondered whether you would want the to be on the link list.

Because you have wonderful photography, I'd like to share the link, but because your blogs are personal, I wouldn't do it without asking first. Most of my traffic is probably other gardeners, but since I'm not tracking anything, who knows if anyone reads it. anndoubleu AT hotmail dot com]

Linda Ball said...

I'm not opposed to the publishing of links to my stuff. It doesn't really seem to increase traffic and I remain a cul-de-sac on the Information Highway just as I prefer.

I turned moderation on because I got spammed. But usually I am mercifully left to myself with just pals like you commenting and few visits. I can't believe some blogs and journals get dozens of comments per entry.

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