Sunday, December 24, 2006

Random Thoughts on an Austin Christmas Eve

Nothing here but random thoughts today. Nothing in the profound Christmas Eve vein. And no dreams of being elsewhere as suggested into today's Holidailies writing prompt.

So, randomly...and in no particular order.

First. I got two cards featuring cowboy boots this year. The cards are partly shown in the picture here. The first card came from a PR outfit that always sends a clever card. Last year it was a cutout of a reindeer pulling an airstream and it was so cute I saved it with the decorations for this year. The second (right in picture) is a photo of giant mall cowboy boots from San Antonio (I think) all lighted up for the holidays. The photo card came from Bob and Lisa Wade. Bob is also known as Bob "Big Daddy" Wade and is famous for outsized creations and paintings that are giant vintage cowpoke pictures hand-colored. The boots are his creation. If I'm not mistaken, he is also responsible for the frogs that once (still?) graced Carl's Corners. If you don't live in Texas and drive IH35, then that is meaningless to you.

Anyway, yeah, two cards with boots. Soon I will recap all the holiday cards and letters I received. I know you are waiting for that excitement.

Second. It is raining and raining in Austin. We got over two inches. It is supposed to stop but hasn't yet. It may sleet over night. It makes me more gloomy if that is possible. The sun is supposed to shine tomorrow. It might be sixty degrees.

Third. My dad loves his newspaper. He is still ailing. He doesn't feel like coming over here for a Christmas Eve dinner. When I told him I'd be over this morning to bring some groceries, and get his mail and paper he said: "I'd miss seeing you, but I'd miss my newspaper more." There you go. It's good the newspaper entertains. I'm not that exciting.

Fourth. The gym at the club was unexpectedly crowded today. It's Christmas Eve. Shouldn't these people be rushing around buying last minute gifts, or basting turkeys or something? I've never seen the place so crowded on a Sunday morning. Was it the rain? The promised closing at three o'clock? Whatever. As I left someone was coming in. "Lots of people at the club today," I said. "They are escaping their families," she offered. Maybe.

Fifth. While I was visiting with my dad, some pundits were on CNN talking about whether blogging was important and whether a 'meritocracy' of blogging would emerge. (In such a state of 'the best wins out' as, say, broadcast journalism!) It made me think that they really don't get it. That in cyberland people are listening to each other talk about mundane things. Just like in real life. But that sometimes important ideas are broached. Just like in real life. That people may flash together for a month on a portal like Holidailies and read each other, forge some new one-to-one and one-to-many relationships and simply listen to a lot of voices. Without CNN deciding what is worthy.

Sixth random thought: I hope Santa is on his way to your place.

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