Friday, December 22, 2006

The Sky is Blue

FFP takes pictures every Friday for a construction blog on the Butler Dance Education Center in downtown Austin. We are on the capital campaign committee for this project which will house Ballet Austin and its large school of dance and professional dance company.

Today's picture shows the startling blue sky above the girders in what will be the Austin Ventures Studio Theater.

It is really a very beautiful day.

However, I feel a little low. I'm not sure what's wrong with my dad but he wanted me to do things like change a light bulb, get the mail and newspaper in, put a new registration sticker on his van, put his shower seat in the shower. He is getting his meals together and he is taking care of himself but he is using his walker and he says his side hurts although he slept well with the help of a pain killer. It's hard to feel exuberant when someone you love and for whom you are responsible is ailing.

I feel like I should get outside and take a walk and take advantage of the beautiful day. But I suspect I won't do it. Sigh.

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