Friday, December 08, 2006

Thanks Santa!

Dear. Mr. Claus,

Don't bother stopping by with anything the night of the 24th. I have the things I really wanted. I thank you for the coffee machine (I've already made over 200 cups) and FFP is happy with his new car especially the sound system. Since he drives me around a lot we will both enjoy it. I am pleased that my new great niece and great nephew are healthy. They won't know what's up this year, but put them on the list for next. If you could swing by and give my older great nephews some Game Boy stuff that would be fine.

And do stop by and give my good friend DL something to cheer her on. You'll find her at M.D. Anderson over in Houston most days.

It seems my list gets shorter and shorter every year. Except my 'to do' list, of course. You could help me by fixing it so that when I check something off at the top something doesn't add itself at the bottom. Then I could get some free time to snuggle under a lap robe and read a book on a cold day like today. Yeah, if you have free time to give out, send that my way.

Best, LB

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