Tuesday, January 02, 2007

A Blog a Day?

I blogged every day during Holidailies. Which proves and solves nothing I suppose.

I had a random thought at some point (probably while driving back and forth to my dad's which I've been doing a lot) that I should use the blog to both encourage me to organize and to record it. I've thought of this before, of course. I also said a few days ago that I was going to make and examine resolutions here in public. And back in July I said you were going to get to follow along while I cleaned up. Yeah, not going well.

I just looked at that old resolution list and it made me tired. Perhaps because I'd had all these cups of coffee (and no water), eaten mostly wrong foods and spend a couple of hours taking my dad to the doctor instead of exercising. Otherwise everything is going fine. Really.

I'm going to finish up the December budget for the family and organize my spreadsheets I use for the budget for the new month and year. That will give me a sense of getting something done.

And I did that, too. And more. But I always focus on what is not done yet. That's how I'm built. Most other people, too. I did make an appointment to get my car some maintenance and a new inspection sticker. And I started trying to tame the mess on my desk area. That's going slowly, however, because I decided that if I typed up hand-written notes in old notebooks then I could discard them. Time-consuming, but it would eliminate ever having to go through the notebooks again.

Today's picture? Some colorful houses in our neighborhood. We took a walk on New Year's Day and I snapped some new pictures. So now I have more digital images to organize. So it goes.

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