Monday, January 08, 2007

Only Partly There

Do you ever feel like you aren't really present in your own life? Yeah, I get that way sometimes.

As I sift through my old, recycled New Year's resolutions I have come to this one: "travel and when I do take the time to prepare by reading books." Travel really makes you feel outside yourself I think.

We are planning a trip in a couple of months. To Santa Fe and Scottsdale. A road trip to celebrate a new car and XM radio. And to visit some people in those two places. I've not read any books about either place. Really we are just planning to visit our friends and see whatever on the road.

Of course, the way our responsibilities around here are going, we have had to start planning to get someone else to take care of our 'duties.' It's bad to be retired and yet feel tied down. But that's the way it is.

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