Tuesday, March 20, 2007

And Now We Return to Our Regular Programming

We finished our vacation. That's what we considered our SXSW Film adventure although we didn't leave town. We wove all those movies and Austin adventures around a minimum version of our real life.

But now we are back to all the other things that pull on us. Supporting our charities. Bringing friends together and seeing people. Having fun by going to the club. (Although we tried to do that during our vacation, too.)

And the number one reality of our life now: we are getting ready to put a house on the market. We have lived here almost thirty years. It will be over 30 when we move unless someone sweeps in with an offer we can't refuse.

We are getting little things repaired and cleaned. We are going back through books and random stuff and trying to weed out even more things. It's very hard to see progress, though. There is so much to do. We are putting on a new roof.

It's very hard to realize that in a little over a year we could be living in this tower and we could have this house on the market. Or even sold.

I keep saying: it's not like we never got rid of anything all this time. We did. Lots of stuff. Especially when we were getting out of the way of one of the (four) remodels. Or moving the business out to a separate location and then back here. And yet, we have SO MUCH STUFF. I keep reminding myself that we don't NEED much of the stuff. Still it's remarkably difficult to sort and toss it seems. And making all the decisions about it all is hard. We think we may have a charity lined up that wants our outdoor Christmas decorations. Meanwhile I'm trying to get all the stuff in one place now that we got it all off the house. I had some old office and computer equipment removed for recycling over the weekend. You just have to take a deep breath and appreciate everything that you get done and not get caught up in what is left to do. After all, that big old tower has to get built and all the inside stuff installed and trimmed before our new place is ready.

1 comment:

Annie in Austin said...

You've lived thirty years in one place - that's an awfully long time, Linda. You have the advantage of that one year lead time, so you don't have to make the kind of sudden response needed for a job transfer.

I wish you both luck, and hope that the selling process will be uncomplicated and satisfactory.

Annie the Garden Blogger

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