Thursday, March 08, 2007

It's Best to Have Rich Friends

Last night I was sitting at a table for eight with some of the 'lesser' donors for a nonprofit capital campaign we are involved in. I imagine all the couples at the table gave 'five figures' as they say but at other tables were the people for whom six and seven figures are not out of the question for multiple charities.

We were joking with some pals about being at the kid's table. Then one of the guys was wondering about the net worth 'in the room.'

"About a billion," I said. "With a 'b'. Even with us here."

I really think it was true. How do you really know though? But some of the people have given away my net worth several times over.

It's nice to have rich friends, of course. They have wine cellars with enough 1985
Cos d'Estournel (an esteemed Bordeaux) and old Montrachet to pour for forty people. And a bottle of champagne as big as a horse for the toasts and dessert. They have a domed room plenty large enough for forty or fifty people to dine. They have space to exhibit amazing weird art. The house was like a museum. Right after I arrived a woman who also has a house like a museum was commenting on a painting and said the stance of a hip hop guy in the painting reminded her of the stance of a Rubenesque naked woman in a painting her husband gave her. She was flustered because she couldn't remember the artist.

"Botero?" I offered.

"That's it! Of course." She said.

It's great to have rich friends. And if you can help them identify their holdings so much the better.

Honestly. It's better to have rich friends than to be rich. Being rich is such a responsibility.

It's all relative, of course. I know that most people consider me rich. I consider myself rich if only because I'm catching the glow of these friends.

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