Saturday, June 16, 2007

Lazy Morning

Yesterday, I was all cheer about everything. I was working on the projects I have for my country club board. They are frustrating in the way that work sometimes was. You know the "I can't find the documents in the form I need them" and the "I can't find the latest information and decisions" and the "you can't please everyone in spite of the fervor of their arguments." And yet I just worked on it and didn't fret.

I stared at the piles around the house that are the detritus of the downsizing without sadness or retribution. I did note that some of the boxes and containers stacked around are actually...empty. This is progress, I think. I even photographed an old 'art' (we use the term loosely here) project of mine that I mentioned yesterday as being something saved from the dump. It's pictured above.

I exercised and felt good about what I did with no recriminations about how far I have to go.

I went out with FFP and wandered downtown (exhaustively recounted here) without fretting about what will happen when we move there or how I'll ever get my stuff reduced to a small enough pile. And I didn't fret about the fact that I haven't gotten my dad a present or a card even for Dad's Day and hadn't even arranged a meal or outing. I just suggested to FFP that we maybe try an extremely early dinner at Chez Zee where they were thoughtfully starting a Dad's Day dinner at 4PM. He set it up and we got the parental units to agree.

This great feeling carried over into the morning. I got up late. I blogged and sat around in my bathrobe. I made my morning welfare call to my dad. I didn't worry when he didn't answer. I figured he was at the monthly church breakfast. He was and called back later.

Yeah, nothing bothered me yesterday. The world seemed full and interesting. I didn't try to control everything. I thought several times about friends who are ailing. I know that these things can happen to me. That something will. But I felt joy in the moment, in my rich and privileged life. I wish I could do that every day.

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