Monday, July 09, 2007

Brings you Up Short

Sorting through a box of things I'd saved for a collage project. (Remember there was plenty of storage around here if we were going to stay in this house.) I come across this 1997 photo. I'm sure this was a duplicate copy of this picture. I used some film camera or the other on this trip. I probably ordered several copies of all the photos I took. Who knows. The sun gleams off the Twin Towers as we sail down the Hudson on the QE2. Other pictures I have somewhere show my co-workers who were on the trip with this basic backdrop.

I saved the picture out. I don't know where the other copy is, at the moment. (Not that I looked for it.) I scanned it. As you can see.

The whole downsizing thing is depressing today. I have posted on Freecycle (a Yahoo group to give things away rather than toss them) to find a home for several cubic feet of weird stuff. We tossed some more books into the thrift store pile. We have cleaned off all the shelves in the hallway in preparation for painting the hall. I was talking to a friend who is also moving to the condo building downtown next year yesterday. We keep reassuring ourselves that it is OK to let things go. To not get depressed about it and just find good homes. We enjoyed the stuff while we had it. But, yeah, it's hard to know what to do with some of these photos! Here's one of me with eyes half closed, a case of bed head and a frown. Maybe I'll scan that one and put it up tomorrow.

And so it goes. I'm looking forward to having a lot less stuff. The process can get tedious, though.

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