Monday, July 23, 2007

Drowning in Memories

I said I wouldn't mention downsizing again. But it's hard to avoid. Some friend suggested that I scan some stuff and then discard it. Sounded like an excellent idea. Only. The discarding part is hard. Thirty-five-year-old ticket stubs. Gosh. Once you save them this long, it seems silly to part with them. Even if you scanned them. They won't take up much room in this box....

Oh, I'm finding stuff to part with all right. There's a box or two full of ephemera and souvenirs that are either going to an interested party or into the trash. If there was a little kid standing here right now, a little kid like I was fifty years ago, that little kid would get all kinds of foreign coins and stamps and stuff to cherish and 'collect' and play with. Only there is no such little kid here just now.

Another thought I've had for the last few weeks is how long it will take to go through all the pens, pencils, markers, clips and other stuff that we have in cups and drawers in every room. This stuff does accumulate. And since we have entirely too many rooms, some of it accumulates in every room.

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