Tuesday, July 03, 2007


What was it old Kris Kristofferson said in that song I loved to hear Janis sing back in the day (the early seventies for me). Oh, yeah. "Freedom's just another word for nothin' left to lose."

Be that as it may. When I know we have no plans for an afternoon and evening and nothing to do tomorrow during the day on the 4th...the alleged celebration of the nation's freedom but really a day for too much sun and booze...it pleases me. I like some 'free' time. Even retired I look forward to it.

I'm afraid the sun (if not the booze) is going to be spoiled for a number of people by the incessant rain. As I write this I hear it continuing outside. Lakes are closed.

We plan to watch Wimbledon (if it's not rained out) and in the evening have dinner with some friends at their house.

No flag picture today. Just the reflection (yeah, yet another) of yours truly in a junk shop window on South Lamar.

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