Sunday, July 15, 2007


The big news here is that they are burying Lady Bird Johnson this morning. The ceremonies have taken all weekend. We didn't line up along the 50 mile route of the cortége. Instead we slept in and are sitting around the house pondering what to do with our Sunday.

Death is a time for reflection, of course. As are birthdays and the anniversaries. We've been celebrating a birthday for Forrest and last night attended a friend's party for her birthday. (She has the same birthday as Forrest actually.) There was great food at the party as the honoree is part of the food community and restaurateurs and foodies contributed to the pot luck. I took deviled eggs "à la Russe" as I call them. I mix up the filling with capers, onions, lemon pepper, lemon juice and mayo and top them with a bright colored caviar. When competing with foodies, deviled eggs are a good choice. Lots of people love them. No mater how many you make (I took 32 halves) you never take home leftovers. And usually no one else makes them.

It's lovely to have a day with no obligations. But it's an obligation in and of itself to not just sit.

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