Sunday, September 23, 2007

Fashion Emergency Redux

This picture was taken in 2003. Where I'm not sure. I offer it to illustrate fashion emergency, part 2, of the nascent season. We have been invited to a party where the dress code is given as "white tie and ball gowns." Uh. OK. FFP has consulted with his sartorial gurus, spent less than a hundred bucks on the tie, has everything else to make it work. I told him that for a woman my age, I will do the best I can: long black skirt and top. People keep suggesting expensive stores and fashion gurus or the rack of (can there be anything bigger than six 6?) shop worn ball gowns at Last Call (the Neiman Marcus outlet store). I am, indeed, getting much too old to care. FFP is excited about the whole white tie thing, though. I'll get his picture. Maybe on his way out the door while I feign sniffles!

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