Thursday, September 06, 2007

Twinge of Regret

In late 2003 and early 2004, we put up with a remodeling contractor to build the perfect master bedroom suite. I took this picture shortly after we'd finished furnishing. I'm not sure it came out perfect (what ever does?) but I really love the room with its bed, sitting area, furnishings and the closet and bathroom. Am I getting a little twinge of regret at having to leave all this space and storage for a smaller place? Yeah. I think I'll get over it, though. We are going to buy a lot of new furnishings for the condo so it will both fit (space-wise) and fit in. One of my regrets is all the 'perfectly good' furniture we will give up along with, of course, some junky stuff left over from ages ago.

1 comment:

poody said...

so are you having a big garage sale and if so I wanna come!

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