Friday, October 26, 2007

Daily? Every day?

Actually blogging every day is easy. I struggle a little over at Austin Daily Photo because a picture is required and I want the picture to be fresh, not too much like the one the day before. But just writing? Er typing? Easy. My personal diary Word doc on the computer reached 134 pages the other day. And I started typing in it in May. Over at the Journal of Unintended Consequences we have to have some fodder from the real world so that slows me down. Not that there isn't fodder enough. It's just getting the facts organized from other sources.

But truth is easier than fiction. A friend of mine had an idea for a movie. So I was helping her shape characters, writing little bios; and doing timelines and prose sketches of 'scenes.' Last night I tried my hand at a page of dialog using a demo of Final Draft. Fiction is hard. Characters are hard. Dialog is hard. Formatting a screenplay? Hard even with 'helpful software.' However, typing paragraphs into blogs is easy. I just did two paragraphs here. And I've done ADP for today.

I'm tuning up for NaBloPoMo and Holidailies. I officially like the latter name better and the portal for participating in Holidailies has been the bee's knees in years past.

[Note: Photo is randomly selected. It is the (as yet unfinished, I think) conference room at the Ballet Austin Butler Dance Education Center.]

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