Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Jump Starting the Season

Before you could say 'boo' for Halloween, the merchants were trotting out Santa and offering free shipping for online purchases as they ran scared to their all-important season for sales. While it makes me upset to see the tinsel so early, the fact is that I always try to get a jump on the season. I have some November/December birthdays to get out of the way. And I like to ship things early to out-of-town relatives and get my holiday cards done. So I've already got the cards printed and now I just have to cleanse the mailing list, print labels, get stamps, stamp them, write a personal note on each one, etc. I have to get my family calendar updated and get that 'project' printed. And today I started buying those birthday and Christmas presents. Still. I wish they wouldn't put up the decorations so early.

The picture is from last year...with some of the Christmas 'toys' nestled in the glassware collection.

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