Sunday, November 11, 2007


I'm going through photos and this one is a 2004 photo taking of a French shop window. It's funny what evokes memories. Little guessing game for readers: where was this picture taken, i.e. what region?

Is it hard to write something every day here? Not really. It's about as hard as it is to "fill my days" now that I'm retired. Take yesterday: I stumbled out of bed around seven. I worked at my computer a while doing 'important things' like posting to blogs and looking at finances (and other people's journals). I made my welfare call to my dad. I went to my club and played tennis for two hours. I was hungry when I finished so I ate an egg salad sandwich and some fruit while reading the newspaper in the pro shop grill. Then I went to the gym and did a little aerobic and weight work. It was noon before I got home.

I did some proofreading for Forrest, talked to friends on the phone, walked around my front yard trying to figure out where the water from the leaking main was making caverns and channels. I talked to some young people who dropped by to take a piece of furniture (downsizing, yes!). I finally showered and during my shower and grooming I watched part of the first half of the football game between UT and Texas Tech. At half time we went downtown, found a parking place, went to the bar at Ruth's Chris to watch the rest of the game while we ate and drank. Then we went to see "Tuna Does Vegas." See how the days fill up? See how the blog fills up? OK, tomorrow I'll try to write a pithy essay.

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