Monday, November 05, 2007

Reading List

Actually, it's easy to write every day in the blog. Why? For the same reason it's easy to sit on a bike in the gym reading newspapers! Displacing. When I'm sitting here at the computer taking pictures of a stack of books and writing a blog entry, I'm not reading books or writing anything of substance. After all, I signed up for NaBloPoMo. And, yes, when I go to the club at 8:30, do an hour water aerobics class, ride the bike (while reading newspapers, not books) to nowhere for fifty minutes and then lift some weights, I'm not reading books. I'm also not accomplishing anything in the downsizing effort or doing any other necessary chores.

You know, I love my newspapers. Going through a pile (which never includes anything delivered today) on the recumbent bike is such a joy. I can read one paragraph of an article or every last word. It's like channel surfing and combining stuff about science and food and the world. When you've had one dictator and bit of man's inhumanity to man too much you can read about somebody going to Kentucky to taste whiskey and listen to Bluegrass or find a list of places to get a quick, tasty, non-Starbucks espresso in New York City. I actually read some of the Sunday Times Book Review. Sadly, I wanted to buy three books I read about. Even though I'm stuck on page 502 of Ulysses and can't seem to find time to read it.

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