Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Things Unseen

I always laugh when people talk about 'truth.' There are things that are pretty true but the truth is always fuzzy. And we just miss things, too. Small and large. I often notice in my shop window pictures that there are objects that were in front of my camera that I didn't actually see. I snapped the picture from which this detail is drawn at that shopping center on South Lamar a couple of Saturdays back. I noticed the camera, I remember, but not the chrome jet. It is, I believe, one of those knock-off decorative items of another era from a few years ago at Pottery Barn. I have one just like it that was a gift for my decade birthday a few years ago. It is nestled among the vintage and knock-off cocktail and coffee service collection that decorates the open shelves atop the kitchen cabinets. It is one more item whose fate will be decided in the next few months. Use in staging the house for sale? Move to the condo? Sell? Give away? To whom.

It's not too hard to write every day, by the way. It's just hard to make sense or say anything worth saying.

Note: I just went into the kitchen for my second cup of coffee and looked at the chrome plane there. It looks a lot like the one in this picture. But it has propellers. I would have sworn it didn't!

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