Saturday, December 01, 2007

Holidailies is Fixed!

I learned a couple of things when I came home from breakfast at the Frisco Shop this morning. (Tennis was a wet isn't raining but the courts are wet.)

One, I have to be careful in entering my entries into the Holidailies portal. I was so excited that it was up that I flubbed copying my link to the entry I was presenting into the portal. Cool as Chip's technology is, there is no recourse for correcting a entry once it's posted. I accidentally popped in the link to my last night's menu from the Four Seasons site! People are bound to find this puzzling! It was the last thing I'd copied and I failed to hit CTRL-C to copy the link to my entry. Anyway, I'm glad the portal is up and it is very cool and I'm sure I'll discover some great entries and journals.

Two, I learned that the reason the button was missing from The Visible Woman to link to Holidailies was that Blogger was probably ditching it for having a bad link associated with it while it was down. Who knew it would do that? Not me, certainly. The button is back. I did nothing to correct it.

Three, I discovered that a big 'traditional' Frisco shop breakfast is very sleepy-making. I stayed up late (about 1AM) and got up around seven-thirty. When tennis was a wash today due to wet courts even though the rain had stopped, FFP and I decided to go out for breakfast. The old Frisco shop near Burnet and Koenig has been there for over fifty years, but will soon move to a new location to make way for Walgreen's. We had the 'Number Two' which we customized with two eggs, bacon, hash browns, biscuits and strawberry jam. I had the eggs over easy. FFP scrambled. I had grapefruit juice and he had OJ. Coffee and more coffee. Still. So. Sleepy.


Anonymous said...

LOL... That's the kind of thing I find myself doing. Actually, finding a menu in place of an entry intrigued me enough that I clicked on the "Visible Woman" link just to find out what was going on. So, at least one person was able to find your actual entry.

(I don't have a Google or Blogger account so I guess I appear as "annonymous" here...
Jim of

Jette said...

If you mess up the link on a portal post, just email us and we'll fix it. It's a quick fix and no trouble at all.

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