Saturday, December 01, 2007

Good Cheer

I usually wear only black and gray. But I wore my red jacket last night and we took some friends to a wine dinner at Four Seasons new Trio restaurant. I had what would soar into a bad screaming toothache but I managed to smile in front of the tree for a quick picture when we were leaving. This was around 9:30. I put up with the pain until midnight and then took some Advil. The good news is that my toothache is getting localized enough that I'm hoping that the endodontist can figure out what to do. The other good news is that it an OTC painkiller helps a little and makes it bearable. The bad news is cost and pain and all that. But around the BP house we've taken to saying "yeah, but it isn't life-threatening!"

It's December. I can't believe that. And so Christmas is really here before we know it.

I got FFP to shoot this picture because my niece wanted to make Christmas tags with pictures of the givers and recipients so her little boys could easily sort the packages and see pictures of the relatives that sent gifts from far away.

I'm not in a particular festive mood but visiting with our friends was a delight and we had a great meal, paired with Lamborn Family Winery wines. It is amazing to get away with friends, to gossip and to talk about truly important and also really trivial things. This couple is so busy that we were more than delighted to find a night we could spend together so pleasantly. My toothache couldn't even spoil it. (The wine might have soothed it a little, too.) The monkfish and persimmon salad was to die for, too, and the beef sublime. (I save my beef moments for truly good stuff.)

Today is (or was to be) the beginning of another month of blogging, courtesy of Holidailies. I was puzzled this morning to see I'd lost the linking button for the site. Don't know when I lost that from the blog. Then I tried to go to Holidailies but all the sites related to my friends Jette and Chip seem to be down. Just a small glitch, I'm sure. I discovered that the host site for their many sites is also down.

Anyway, here I am, writing next to nothing about nothing every day. I hope you all have a day of good cheer. And nothing wrong that is life threatening.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah, the site was down from about 4am to 9am. It was actually a problem with another site that caused the entire web server to shutdown. Bad time for it to happen, with Holidailies starting and whatnot.

Glad to see you back on the portal again this year.

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