Thursday, January 03, 2008

What Makes You Keep It?

Life is ephemeral. I know this. But I've never been able to embrace it.

Today's picture is a fragment of a photo taken on Second Street in 2006. I'm not sure the shop is still there. Anyway.

FFP has been going through his socks. In the spirit of downsizing. He has found that there are only certain socks that he can wear comfortably. So the others are going. Piles of socks appear on the bed while we are watching TV. He puts some in a garbage bag. Others he piles up. I look through them. I mentioned a few days ago that I had picked some to try, worn them and they made me happy because I liked them. I wore another pair yesterday. It feels really good to salvage something you like from something someone else is discarding. Of course, I'll have to go through my own socks. I actually have a pile of socks still in their store packaging. Most of them, I don't want so I'm going to take them to thrift store I think. I've become more circumspect about my socks in the last few years.

Anyway, I was sorting old paper ephemera...postcards, ticket stubs, etc. I noticed that the older it was, the more likely I was to keep it. Hotel bills from ten years ago. Hmmm...maybe keep it. From two years ago? Nope. Which probably means you should get rid of things sooner and never have to make the decision again! That's why all the Christmas cards are getting thrown out. Well, except maybe the one with my little great nephews' picture or this cool one....

Dang it. Too. Much. Stuff. And besides...I can't keep all these socks!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I keep way too much stuff, paper and otherwise. I got here via Dee's Coffee Bean Goddess site. I'm a Texan too, from down at Port Arthur. Our oldest son lives in Austin.

I look forward to reading more about you and your everyday.

Ava South

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