Monday, February 11, 2008


Detail from a South Lamar shop window reflection a week ago.

Thrift stores make great places to shoot reflections with all the odd things on display. Things living out second lives as merchandise again after presumably having a home (or two or three).

Loads continue to go to the thrift store and our other 'outlets' for emptying this house. I think we are getting more brutal about what we keep. A trash can in my office is heavy with old plaques awarding us for this or that volunteer activity. Things that are cute and nice but that we don't think we'd use to decorate the condo are finding their way to a table in the spare room. One side is designated for me and one for FFP and we place items we think should be given away there. When the other person has time, he 'saves' the item or, more likely, places it in a box or bag in the closet for the thrift store. FFP fills his trunk and drops by the thrift store on his rounds. I am afraid to visit the thrift store, afraid to see all those things in a new context. Although, truthfully, when you go to a thrift store you rarely see the things you donated. There is lots of turnover at those places in my experience. But we have donated a lot to this one place.

I am currently trying to keep the house neat and keep the messes put away. It's partly to start making the house look better if people casually look at it to buy and it's partly to keep my sanity. It does cheer me up to walk into my office and see clean work surfaces and general tidiness. Whether I'm getting more done as a result is questionable. This week is full of appointments and places to be.

Well, I am boring myself. Off to play tennis. I've been playing tennis so much I look forward to rain outs. That's good, I think.

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