Monday, February 04, 2008

Says it All

If you look carefully in this shop window reflection with the Salvation Army logo, you will see that there is the reflection of a tall building. This South Lamar shopping strip (which has thrift stores, Alamo South, a Thundercloud, a Mexican restaurant, a spiritual book store, an electric scooter store and some guitar stores, etc.) is situated so that many of the south and east facing windows show a reflection of my future home. Notice there is no longer a crane.

We haven't actually donated stuff to the Salvation Army yet, but we have talked with them about picking up some bigger stuff. In order to move into our place in the big building, we have to give away and throw away. Yesterday we worked on cleaning out various spots. We employed curbside mall (a cardboard free sign and the curb), tried to Freecycle some stuff, filled the garbage can, etc. I was cleaning a surface in our walk-in closet where pockets are emptied. I wish someone could tell me where all those buttons come from. I mean I don't think I have that many clothes that are missing buttons! The coins, mint packages, etc. I understand. I am always mystified when I find yet another key that unlocks who knows what.

Today will be another day of sorting and eliminating. It never ends. Or so it seems. It has to, though, at some point. But I can't see the end.

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