Saturday, February 02, 2008

You Learn Something Every Day

I'm not too good with cultural things, pop or otherwise. Always learning. Charo didn't mean much to me. A hot Latin lady (she's Spanish actually) who swiveled and joked. Had to be pretty old by now. So she surprised me last night with her energy, svelte figure and her flamenco guitar work. But you learn something every day. I wouldn't have thought Eartha Kitt could still put on a show either but she did in 2006 at another benefit for Austin Cabaret Theatre. (Last night's show was their benefit, too. See another picture here.)

As we sort through books, FFP occasionally holds one back from the thrift store or being archived for keeping in the condo (or storage) to read. He was reading Terry Southern's Candy a couple of nights ago and laughing out loud. I'm pretty sure I never read it but I did see the movie once.

When he was laughing, he said. "This is hilarious. It's based on Candide, you know." No, I didn't. But, you know, you learn something every day.

1 comment:

Gordon Whiting said...

Yeah, Terry Southern has that effect on me, too! Try "The Magic Christian" and see if you don't convulse fall out of your chair!

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