Wednesday, April 23, 2008


I am transferring all my archives from my old machine to my new environment. For some reason I feel it is necessary to photograph the messy shelves arond my house. This picture was taken in 2001. A lot of stuff in this photograph is gone. Various books. The toy pinball machine. The shelves themselves are virtually empty and I have on my 'to do' list to take them apart so that they will be out of the way when we refinish the floors. We are putting that off until we are closer to being out of the house so we don't have a chance to mess them up again.

Today I got depressed going through ancient financial stuff. Even investments that worked out well weighed on me somehow in the sorting. Never mind the fiascos. I actually found the unused payment coupons from the year we moved from a house down the street to this house. They were IBM punch cards and the payments were less than ninety dollars a month. FFP thought that was very amusing. Life was simpler once, that's for sure.

1 comment:

deb said...

Yeah, think of it....Our gorgeous 80° weather of yesterday inspired me to 'switch closets', putting away weighty winter sweaters and taking out and hanging summer jerseys and tees. That got me to thinking about closets and clothes (of course) and the closets of our first house. Built in 1865, when we bought it, two bedrooms had closets with four hooks each and the third bedroom merely had four hooks on the wall. Plenty of space for the mandatory everyday outfit and the Sunday best.

We've clogged our lives.

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