Tuesday, October 21, 2008

My Austin FIlm Festival, Part 6

I once made an artist's statement about all these reflection shots I take. Find it here. I tell you that because Charlie Kaufman doesn't do that. I saw "Synecdoche, New York" followed by a Q&A. I couldn't make sense of the questions and where they seem to go to motivation and meaning Kaufman gave the "I want people to get inside it and make their own meaning" type of answer. This is fine. Very professional. I liked the movie in some parts. But I liked "Being John Malkovich" better. I'm a sucker for the puppet metaphor. The play within a play and city play within a warehouse was metaphorical but not as cute. (I also liked the low ceiling thing in "Being.")

I'm coming back to add to this because maybe it seems too glib. Remember I'm not a movie critic. Nope. I'm a movie aficionado. And a fan of words. I wonder what the origin of aficionado is. Sounds Italian, doesn't it? Anyway, this Synecdoche thing will become the favorite movie. Especially of people not afraid to try to spell it over and over in their social networking profiles. (Those who pride themselves on spelling it and those who don't care if they get it right!) People will sit around saying ...spoiler alert..."did you think he'd go that far with the burning house?" and "how about the dying tattoo?" and "what a brilliant idea for the paintings to be miniatures or maybe you could say microscopic!" and "when Adele tells the kid she has no blood, that is so funny and sad and such foreshadowing."

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