Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Walking After Midnight

Yesterday afternoon I took this picture of the shadow of this new arty fence near the South First pedestrian bridge. (More here on Austin Daily Photo.) I'm so excited that this bridge is usable.

I get inordinately excited about walking different places. It may seem a long way to walk to SoCo for lunch, but the walk is part of the program, part of the visit with my friend and a (little) exercise.

I didn't really 'walk after midnight.' (Patsy Cline made the tune "Walking After Midnight" famous. Lyrics here so you can hear in your head. I just made a 'genius' play list from it. It's playing Robert Earl Keen now. Hmm.)

But we did walk after dark. Friends were treating us to a dinner at the (newly renovated) Paggi House. This place is close to us but the pesky Little Colorado (Lady Bird Lake) is in the way. We took our lives in our hands and walked the dark trail to get under Cesar Chavez and over to the pedestrian unfriendly south side of that street and then got to the Pfluger Ped bridge. We were home free then. I had told FFP that if we were accosted in the dark by evil doers he should start quoting lines from "Slingblade" and they would flee, assured that he was crazier than they were. He'd just been watching and quoting from the DVD before we left home. Anyway, yeah, we made the bridge and then Paggi House is just across a well-lighted street. We dodged the cars, choc-a-bloc in the parking lot, stacked in by valets for people who couldn't, ahem, walk there. (The place is basically cheek-by-jowl with the Bridges condos. They can really walk there.)

We had a meal. Really good food. Service a little dicey. Good wine, too. Good company. Then...time to go home. we walked a little out of the way for light and decent sidewalks. Back to the now precious to us South First Pedestrian bridge that is actually usable. Yeah!

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