Sunday, December 16, 2018

Enjoying the Holidays

The picture is of our building (with the red and green lights for Christmas) and the new, as yet unoccupied office building across the street. I shot it as we walked through our magical urban neighborhood the other night.

I think I'm enjoying the holidays this year more than any other year. It's calm and very much about doing what we please. I haven't bought and wrapped a single gift. (Money went to my sister and her clan.) I sent 87 holiday cards and have gotten, so far, 20. Most days one or two come, mostly from people I already sent them to. I got one from a friend I met over four decades ago that included a trip report from her visit to my company when we met. She found it while cleaning out her workboxes stored away in a basement. In the report, she mentioned meeting me and my husband (who also worked for the company). What a weird surprise.

We've been going to parties and going out for eats and drinks with people. We've seen a holiday chorale, a musical "Christmas Carol" and "The Nutrcracker." We've gone out to eat and drink, just the two of us. Today we walked to the University of Texas to see a Women's Basketball game.

We've finished our annual puzzle. We are watching cable and Netflix and Amazon Prime shows. It's a delight to sit in the apartment and read.

Best holiday ever.

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