Tuesday, January 01, 2019

Last Night and Day One

Early yesterday evening we headed a few blocks in the direction shown as the last rays of the sun bounced off the downtown skyline. We grabbed a drink in the lounge of a club we belong to and waited for our guests for drinks and dinner. I got this shot looking back at the sunset with our building and the new, taller Independent silhouetted in the beautiful colors.
We had drinks. We had apps. We had dinner and acted festively.
That's my picture of the husband and our guests.

This morning was slothful.

I made some computer backups and checked a flash drive with stuff for my CPA to deal with right away in the tax season stuff. I worked the NY Times puzzles and read some newspapers. I drank coffee. Don't I always. I did a few financial things, wrote a few checks. I did an invoice for my husband.

I should have done so much more. But I didn't. We went to a little get together with ham and cornbread and black-eyed peas. I didn't drink the champagne on offer. (Fact is I didn't drink all day. I did eat too much.) We stopped at our local, independent bookstore on the way home. They were having a 20 percent off sale, but for once we couldn't find any books we couldn't live without.

We watched mindless TV and I ate too much, snacking on this and that. I read newspapers. Well, it's a holiday. Tomorrow is also a day. I'll accomplish things, I'll exercise. Or not.

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